
Improving Your CV course: Now with a free video CV health-check

Improving Your CV course: Now with a free video CV health-check

I've updated my Online CV Course with an additional offering: With every purchase, I'll send you a 2-5 minute private video screenshare of me walking through your CV and giving you my perspectives.

My video CV course consists of about 4-hours of video, across 29 different chapters. Everything you've heard me say or comment on my TikTok Lives, I've put into the course. Check out the chapter details here.

Personalised CV Review

I've added this additional feature for the course based on the feedback I've been getting from those who have already purchased. I always write to say thank you to anyone who buys a course, and in those emails, I encourage feedback. Many replies led me to record a quick 2-5 minute video screen share walkthrough, giving some perspective as I walk through each section of the person's CV.

Instead of doing this informally, I thought I might as well include it!

So when you purchase the course, you'll get a personal thank you email from me – that's where I'll offer to review your CV. Some choose to watch a bit of the course first, then send over their document. Others prefer that I do the review right-away and then they use the course to refer to the points I make.

For example, I routinely make a lot of suggestions about improving the bullet points in the experience section. There is one full dedicated video in the course that only deals with this topic.

The Video Screenshare Walkthrough

I use my podcasting tool, Riverside, to share your CV and record myself as I scroll through your CV commenting. This then produces a simple review link that I send over to you. I obviously don't publish the video anywhere else – it's totally private between you and me.

Buy instantly

You can buy the course instantly right now - it's just £20.

If you've any questions, send me an email at or get me on TikTok direct message.